Year 5 girls line up to race |
A lovely spring day in Hackney Downs witnessed nearly 80 riders from nine schools compete in this years MTB - cyclocross races. without the rain we have traditionally had at this event this meant for some fast laps with a few riders claiming the course was too easy - be careful what you wish for boys.
Year 5 girls podium l-r Kezia - 2nd, Anoushka -1st, Esther -3rd |
As usual the riders were split into their age groups and gender and after some practise laps it was time for the year 5 girls to start proceedings. With 30 starters it loked like it could get messy but the girls managed to negotiate the first bend well and the race was underway. Maintaining their form from the circuit races the leading twosome comprising Kezia Cotterell - Gayhurst, and Anoushka Minte - Millfields started pulling away whilst behind them Esther Ramsay recovered from a spill to put some distance into the rest of the chasing pack. Anoushka once again proved the stronger getting away from Kezia with a lap and a half to go to take the win.
Year 5 girls results |
Next up were the year 5 boys with a determined bunch of over thirty riders jostling for position on the grid to get to that all important first corner ahead of the pack. This proved to be the case as a spill there caused a log jam allowing the ten riders in front of it the opportunity to break away early. Conrad Couzins, Joey Tristram, Milo Endres and Rueben Couzins all from Millfields were putting in a strong team display alongside Finn Chambers from Jubilee< Shay Bowen from Parkwood, Joe Pearman from Gayhurst and Jeffrey Marrott from Southwold. Robbie de Monchaux-Irons - Gayhurst suddenly woke up on the 2nd lap and started to claw his way back up the field eventually climbing into 2nd place right behind Conrad only for a slip on the last lap allowing Joey through to take the silver medal spot. Great racing by all the boys.
Year 5 boys podium l-r Joey - 2nd, Conrad -1st, Robbie -3rd |
year 5 boys results |
Next up were the year 6 girls with a somewhat smaller field never the less it still produced some great racing with special mention going to the Shacklewell girls whose school raced for the first time in the league - well done Asha, Metendah and Sarah. Old hand leila Abbot from Kingsmead was beaten into third spot by a Jubilee duo of AJ Sharrat and and great win for Yande Gibbon.
Year 6 girls podium l-r AJ - 2nd, Yande -1st, Leila -3rd |
Year 6 girls results |
Year 6 boys leaders in action. |
The year six boys race again had a small field - may be the sats are coming up? Once again the podium was made up from Mack Mooney 1st for Jubilee, Stanley Boyd 2nd and Tom Bardill 3rd - both Gayhurst. Well done to the other riders for sticking anywhere near them as this trio have all been racing for CCHackney in the Eastern Cyclocross league throughout the winter.
Year 6 boys podium l-r Stanley- 2nd, Mack -1st, Tom -3rd |
Year 6 boys results |
As fo league points its all getting very tight at the top - Jubilee took away 64 points taking them top of the league by 25 points from Gayhurst with Millfields another 10 behind and Kingsmead not much further back. With three events left will we finally see Gayhurst knocked off top spot and by whom? Lots of points on offer yet and possibly more schools coming into those races it could be very close indeed.
league standings as of March 2015. |
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