Friday, 25 October 2019

Springfield Hill Climb 2019

The YHPSCL season opener got under way on blustery day up at Springfield Park. Six schools attended with sixty three riders tackling the 6 to 14% gradients over the 100m course.
The Springfield Hill - deceptively steep
 As ever with hill climbing selecting the correct gear is one piece of the puzzle that'll get you all the way to theta without jumping off and running up. Another thing you need to know is when to sit down and when to stand up on the pedals - standing up puts more power through the pedals but at the same time uses up more of your energy. This brings us to the third piece of the puzzle required to successfully hill climb - pacing. Set off too hard and you are in danger of blowing up before you reach the top - set off too easy and your time may be too slow.

For such a short sharp event there is a lot to think about for young riders not the least of which is "what am I having for lunch?"

 Once the riders had eaten they set off in the usual manner year fours followed by the year fives then sixes.

The quickest time for the girls was Zhane from Millfields on 38 seconds whilst for the boys it was Djile from Jubilee on 40 seconds.

Year 4 girls results.

Year 4 boys results.

 In the year fives Miah from Jubilee went up the hill super quick in 31 seconds whilst teammate Wilaim did it in 36 seconds taking the win for the boys. So far though the girls had been quickest - would this continue with the year sixes?

Year 5 girls results.

Year 5 boys results.

In the year six girls Poppy from Jubilee took the win in 33 seconds whilst for the boys Harris from Millfields won in 34 seconds.

Year six girls results.

Year six boys results.

 This meant Miah in year five was the fastest rider of the day in 31.44 seconds - great time. Congratulations to all the riders who took part and we'll see you at round 2 on Hackney Downs.

the league standings after round one.

Many thanks to Delphina Jones for the excellent photos displayed here taken in testing light conditions they give a really good feel of what effort is required to tackle the Springfield hill.

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