The 2021-22 season of the Young Hackney Primary Schools Cycling League sprung into action last Friday 8th October with riders from seven schools taking on the challenge of the Springfield Hill Climb. The hill over looking the River Lea is short, very pretty but very deceptive. What it lacks in length it more than makes up for in steepness - the most often overheard remark from riders once they'd finished being -"its much harder than you think it will be".
With a few of our usual participants unable to attend two new teams to the league came along - Rushmore and William Patten schools both did very well on their first event.
The year four girls started the proceedings with some fast times and those who couldn't make it all the way to the finish jumping off and running with the bike to make sure of points for their school. Eri from Millfields set the benchmark time.
Year 4 girls results |
The year four boys were next but not quite as fast as the girls. Dominic from Millfields took first place.
Year 4 boys results |
Next up were the year 5 girls with Umi from Rushmore taking top place.
Year 5 girls results
Acrobatic entertainment at the top of the hill.
Jacob from Millfields get the fastest time and first rider to go under 40 seconds just tenths ahead of Fortune and Luca from Gayhurst.
Year 5 boys results |
In the year six girls race the fastest time of the day for all riders was set by Millfields' Catrin at 28 seconds.
Year 6 girls results
Things were very close again in the year six boys with the top ten being seated by ten seconds and the top three by half a second - Dijle from Jubilee taking the win.
Year 6 boys results |
Riders were treated to some BMX freestyle moves at the top of the hill |
League totals after round 1. |
All photos - Kerry Bishop.