Thursday, 18 September 2014

New Term - New Season 2014-15 event list

The start of autumn term marks the start of the Hackney Primary Schools CyclingLeague 2014-15 season. We have nine events planned for the League this year with a possible 10th event being inter borough racing with schools from our neighbouring boroughs. This year we plan to put on three of the events at Lea Valley Velopark in the Queen  Elizabeth Olympic Park, on the lovely smooth road circuit they have over there.
Two new schools have already expressed an interest in joining the league so welcome to Parkwood Primary School and Sir Thomas Abney Primary School, and I'm sure they will be followed by others soon. Cycling Club hackney and Young Hackney continue to support the league and are currently sourcing some new roller racing equipment that as well as being used for a league event will be taken into schools so they can get a taste of cycle racing.

The events for this season are as follows - please note new day being Thursday and dates and times provisional in the case of events at LVV -

Thursday 16th October -     Hill Climb Springfield Park             12.30-3pm   Years - 4/5/6.
Thursday 13th November - Circuit Race Lea Valley Velopark times -tbc     Y5/6.
Thursday 11th December - Roller Racing Forest Centre          12.30-3pm    y5/6.
Thursday 15th January -     Circuit Race LVV                              time tbc        y5/6.
Thursday 12th February -   Circuit Race LVV                              time tbc        y4/5.
Thursday 12th March -        MTb Cross Race Hackney Downs 12.30-3pm  y5/6.
Thursday 14th May -           Grass Track Maybley Green            12.30-3pm  y4/5.
Thursday 11th June -          Grass Track Shoreditch Park          12.30-3pm  y5/6.
Thursday 16th July -           Grass Track Hackney Downs          12.30-3pm  y4/5/6.

So get these in your diaries and start training. You will receive notification prior to each event  detailing what is happening. Llok forward to seeing you all out there.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi
    I teach at Princess May Primary and we'd be interested in joining the league this season if it is running. I'd also like to get some advice on buying a pool of bikes for the children to use for training and race meets. I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.

  3. Biking is supposed to be great exercise. It helps an individual stay fit for a long period of time.Bike racks play a very important role in the lives of bikers.
